Saturday 19 August 2017

Cover Reveal - The Silent Banshee

Book 5 in the Brimstone Witch series will be released in the next week or two. Here's the cover:

Thursday 3 August 2017

Best Free and Bargain Cozies

One of my favourite authors, Leighann Dobbs, has set up a website where she lets you know about the best free and bargain cozy mysteries for that week. I think this is a great idea and I've just signed up to her newsletter.

Here's the link if you're interested:

Here are some of the books listed so far:

You'll find more books and the links to stores on the website:

Tuesday 1 August 2017

The Sleeping Goblin - free today and tomorrow

My latest book is now live and it is free today and tomorrow. 

The Sleeping Goblin:

A goblin has been murdered at The Brimstone Hotel. Cassia and Stanley investigate and discover his death could be linked to his unusual job. They soon have a list of suspects who had a grudge against the goblin, including his family.

Things don’t run smoothly and their investigation is sabotaged by someone who wants to get rid of Cassia and Stanley - and will stop at nothing until they achieve that.


 Here's a list of the audiobooks I have so far: Amazon Com Amazon UK Amazon Com Amazon UK Amazon Com Amazon UK   Amazon Com Amazon UK Am...